Youth Faith Formation

Essential Pillars of Youth Faith Formation:

See Schedules Below!

  1. The home is the most important place for the seed of faith to take root.
  2. Faith formation classes always assist and never replace the influence of the family on the young person’s faith.
  3. Our students must, by God’s grace, come to love our Lord Jesus and to love His Holy Catholic Church.
  4. Eternal life in heaven is our final goal in life. 


Catechesis of The Good Shepherd

Level1: Children ages 3-6; Level 2: Children entering grade 1

What is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)? 
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based Catholic faith formation program where children can grow in their relationship with God through a deep engagement in Scripture and Liturgy. CGS is based on the belief that God and the child are already in relationship. Our work as adults is to provide a place for the child and God to come together and grow.


What is the Atrium and what materials may you find in one? 
The atrium is a specifically prepared room where children can come to know Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The atrium is prepared with materials that children “work with” as a way of meditating upon the essentials of our faith found in Scripture and in Liturgy. Examples of materials found in the atrium include small clay figures of Jesus and the disciples used to meditate on the Last Supper; detailed interactive maps of the Land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem to help situate Jesus as a real person in time;  Jerusalem Mustard Seeds and beautiful pearls to help   ponder the Parables of the Kingdom of God; and a small Baptismal font and Paschal candle used to explore the  significance of Baptism.

Grades 2-8:

The series used in our parish is Faith and Life published by Ignatius Press. Catechesis corresponds to the four pillarsof the Catechism, covering Catholic doctrine, morality, sacraments, and prayer. Faith and Life is approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and conforms with the Vatican’s General Directory for Catechesis. To learn more about the lessons, visit

High School Grades 9-12:

Lessons are from the Didache Series published by the Midwest Theological Forum. The lessons will draw from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, the lives of the saints, and the Doctors and Fathers of the Church. The Didache series is approved by the USCCB and is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

 Holy Bibles/Catechism:

Students in Grade 2 use The Catholic Bible for Children. Students in Grades 3-5 use The New Catholic Picture Bible. Students in Grades 6-12 use The New Catholic Answer’s Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Copies of all texts used in grades 2-12 are available for parent/guardian review at the Faith Formation center. Please contact the Faith Formation Coordinator.


Students are called to be credible witnesses, living joyfully and faithfully as disciples of Christ. In an effort to assist students in this mission, emphasis will be placed on educating students in virtue. Materials and resources used are taken from, Disciple of Christ - Education in Virtue, produced by The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Supplemental Curriculum Elements:

All classes attend Eucharistic Adoration each week. The program integrates Saints for each month, Virtues for Life: A Call to Holiness, a Spiritual Bouquet program for Catholic Church leaders and for those in religious life, and special prayers/activities pertinent to the holy liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

Safe Environment

Each Person has an inherent dignity as a beloved child of God. The Diocese of Green Bay is committed to providing a safe environment in our parishes, in our schools, in our Faith Formation programs, and in all of our ministries, especially those that serve children, youth and individuals at risk. If you want to learn more about the programs and resources available through the Diocese of Green Bay to live out this commitment, please click on the follwoing link:

If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a person who is now under the age of 18 by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CALL THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND THEN THE DIOCESE.

How to Report Abuse:

For info please contact:

Contact Connie DeMeuse at

920-393-3773 with questions or to register.

Classes Meet Wednesdays

Children in grades 1-8 meet from 4:30pm - 5:45pm
Youth in grades 9-12 meet from 6:45pm - 8:15pm

        For Catholic Day School Students only, First Confession and First Holy Communion Preparation.

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