Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

Have you been coming to Mass, but are not Catholic? Do you know of a family member or friend that is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? A new journey awaits you here at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral and St. John the Evangelist parishes as our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) sessions will begin this fall in September. These sessions are an opportunity for you to learn what the Church teaches and ask those inquisitive, perplexing, and difficult questions you may have about the Church in a comfortable setting. These sessions are for inquirers and are open to people who are unbaptized, as well as those who are baptized Christians from Protestant or Evangelical backgrounds looking to join the Catholic faith. Please contact Dcn. Conrad, Deacon Art, or Fr. Brian for further information or to discuss any questions you may have.  We look forward to walking this journey with you or your relatives and friend to meet Jesus.   
              Dcn. Conrad Kieltyka                     Dcn. Art Gertsner                   Fr. Brian Belongia
              920 298-5102                                 920 655-2481                        920 435-9757 

              ckieltyka.sfx@gmail.com                 deaconartg@gmail.com          frbrian.sfx@gmail.com 

How can you Help?

  1. Pray for those discerning coming into the Catholic faith and for those who will help them.
  2. Invite those who are interested in becoming baptized, those who would like to join the Catholic faith or those Catholic adults who have yet to receive all of their Sacraments of Initiation (First Eucharist or Confirmation) to become part of the OCIA process.
  3. Volunteer to help with the teaching sessions or to serve as a sponsor for someone who will go through the OCIA process.
  4. Join us for the weekly catechetical session in order to grow closer to God and His Church.

Please fill out the form below for more information.

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