Dignity of Life

In the words of Pope Francis, "Put the needs of the poor ahead of our own."

The Dignity of Life Committee of Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral Parish exists to help people. This is accomplished through several programs throughout the year.


What we do:

Through generous donations of food and money from our Cathedral members we prepare and serve delicious meals for the New Community Shelter and for the Saint John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter.

We support Love Life year round with baby items such as: diapers, wipes, bottles, clothing, blankets, etc.


40 Days for Life (Spring and Fall). We are visible witnesses supporting the dignity of life of the preborn babies. We walk and pray in the silence of our hearts. We hope to save the lives of babies and their mothers who are considering death over life of their newborn.

Our Cathedral food pantry is your gift to our Cathedral neighborhood. The SVdP Vincentians from Cathedral Conference #7 assist with rent, furniture, household items, education scholarships, and we bring a large bag of groceries with us on each home visit.

The Advent Giving Tree is our most joy-filled event, an exchange of love, through gift giving. This year we were able to help three families, to make their Christmas a joyous one. The tag you took off the the giving tree helped countless babies, homeless individuals, and single parent families who are struggling to make ends meet. Your generosity filled the Christmas wish lists of 11 individuals. One Cathedral family also stepped forward by adopting a family in need.

During Advent and Lent we sell Seroogy's chocolates to earn funds to support our meal programs. Mother's Day weekend we sell flowers in support of prolife events. In July we collect items for the Back to School Store which assists children in need in Brown County. Another project we collect for is, The Brown County Undercover Challenge, "A Pair and A Spare" sponsored by the Brown County Homeless and Housing Coalition. New socks and underwear are a basic necessity for all people.


We thank everyone who has assisted in any way with our dignity programs. From the tag makers, gift wrappers, gift deliverers, food preparers and servers, for setting up and taking down, for selling, for purchasing, for planning, for meeting, for praying and for the numerous donators of food for our Cathedral Pantry, we are forever grateful. 


We ask for your continued support, we ask you to give service to God's people by getting involved with the dignity committee and the work it does to aid the poor in their physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. As Pope Francis said, "A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just." When the Holy Spirit places upon your heart the desire to help God's most vulnerable people, please answer His call. 

Please consult the bulletin for the next Shelter Meal date. Food and monetary donations are always welcome. 

Please contact the parish office at (920) 432-4348 if you can help. 

The next 40 Days for Life will take place September to November. Walkers are needed. Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral's shift is on Fridays, 4 - 6 p.m. If you are interested in joining please contact Vonda Jossart or just come and walk and pray. 

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